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The Battle Of The Buffet: Sausage Roll vs Vol Au Vent

Posted by Laura

Christmas parties, family get togethers, this time of year is full of lots of tempting treats round every corner. 

Buffet's can have a tendency to railroad any sort of healthy eating due to their social nature and the fact that it's so hard to keep track of what you're eating! Check out what's your best choice between buffet favourites sausage rolls and vol au vents and our top tips on how to keep on track when it comes to party food! 


It's a close one, but sausage rolls win this one by the skin of their teeth. Both deliver the same amount of protein but sausage rolls have a slightly lower calorie, fat and saturated fat content. 


Top tips for healthy buffet food eating!

1. Sit as far away as possible 

The average person makes three or more trips to a buffet. Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Food & Brand Lab at Cornell University conducted a study which found that proximity and visibility are significant factors when it comes to how much you eat

2. Go small

If possible, pick a smaller plate. This way you'll eat less but you won't feel like you're missing out. 

3. Layer up

Swap your skimpy Christmas number for a snuggly Christmas jumper - research shows that food intake increases in colder temperatures. 

4. Slow it down

Make a concious effort to take your time when you're eating. When we eat quickly, we give our body and brain less time to register how full we are

So there you have it if you are a calorie counter - Christmas party food doesn't have to be a calorie catastrophe! Just keep an eye on what you're eating, how far away it is is and how quickly you're eating it! However we are big believers in enjoying this awesome festive time of year, eat what you want just be aware of what you are putting into your body and don't skip the workout...!






Topics: Food and nutrition

Written by Laura


After 3 years of excess at uni took a serious toll on my waistline and wellbeing, I found that a love for strength training, HIIT and spin classes were key to keeping me healthy and happy. I'm at the forefront of finding out and creating awesome stuff about health, fitness and happiness and when I'm not at work I love nothing more than pizza and prosecco in the sun with friends. What motivates me? Knowing that life is short...

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