Ever hear someone talk about how awesome their last run made them feel? Well it turns out there might be a scientific reason why...
A new study has suggested that there maybe such a thing as a natural runners high, and it can replicate the feeling you get when you take cannabis.
Whilst scientists have always assumed that it's endorphins that are the pleasure drug released whilst exercising, this study suggests that it is in fact the cannabinoid receptors in the brain that are triggered that play the key role in that amazing "I can conquer the world" feeling you get post run. These receptors are the same as those which are triggered when you take cannabis - creating the similar "high" feeling. The endorphins are more likely to block the pain than cause the pleasure.
So, to sum up. Next time you feel like you need a release, don't turn to the usual suspects of alcohol, coffee, junk food, and for some, even the odd spliff - go for a run instead. You never know, it could take you to a new fitness high...