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National Breakfast Week - What Team MoveGB Eat For Breakfast

Posted by Laura

In case you didn't realise - it's National Breakfast Week! (24th-30th January)

When it comes to breakfast you're usually in one of 2 camps - can't get enough of it, or can't give up the extra time in bed in order to make it. As we've talked about before, in terms of weight loss and gain, skipping breakfast makes very little difference at all. But here at Move we love any opportunity to chow down so check out what some of the team had for breakfast today! 

Steve - Corporate Account Manager

I'm a creature of habit and have porridge with milk and protein powder, a hard boiled egg and a cup of tea! 

Lucy - Partner Management

Today was a bit of an odd one - Crunchy Nut Cornfakes topped with chia seeds!

Nick - Software Engineer

I love making things from scratch wherever possible so at the weekend I made some homemade baked beans which I had on a slice of homemade wheat and rye bread with carraway sausages

Laura - Marketing

2 chicken sausages with 2 scrambled eggs and a protein shake - I workout first thing so I'm starving by the time it gets round to breakfast!

Ben - Product Development

I had a mix of granola and Rice Krispies with milk, I also looked at a croissant...

Want some more breakfast ideas? Then check out our healthy breakfast ideas!





Topics: Food and nutrition

Written by Laura


After 3 years of excess at uni took a serious toll on my waistline and wellbeing, I found that a love for strength training, HIIT and spin classes were key to keeping me healthy and happy. I'm at the forefront of finding out and creating awesome stuff about health, fitness and happiness and when I'm not at work I love nothing more than pizza and prosecco in the sun with friends. What motivates me? Knowing that life is short...

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