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How to understand the secret to keeping active

Posted by Graham Simpson

Dear everyday family hero, and many other awesome types of people! As Head Coach at Move I'm writing to apologise on behalf of the fitness industry for breaking your fitness habit! 

I'm hoping to use this 2 minutes of your valuable time to show you what went wrong and how we've fixed it to put your fitness, happiness and lifelong health first.

Your fitness, a measure of how healthy and happy you feel, really matters and I know you think about it a lot. I think about it ALL THE TIME as it’s both my job and my passion and I'm not afraid to talk about it too.


This is why...

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I want to enjoy life as much as possible. I've played a lot as I've grown up and I don't think you ever need to stop, but I do know that you need to juggle it around adult life and make the most out of your free time... any of this sound familiar?


I've chosen to work at MoveGB because our purpose is to make a massive change to the way people view fitness, as part of a lifestyle of fun and not a chore. In our mission to give people a service that let's you squeeze the most out of life we at MoveGB have 2 massive goals. 

1. To build a service that offers you a massive variety of fun fitness options. 

2. To educate people about why variety is so vital for you.

(If you have ever found difficulty with motivating yourself to stick to a fitness routine week in week out, or even starting one in the first place!)


We'll take care of 1, and number 2 means explaining what we do at Move. So here's where it starts.


Do we need gym memberships?

If you own a fitness membership and use it regularly, then I urge you to love yourself for being an awesome active inspiration to your friends and many others that don't find it so easy. Well done you (back pat deserved) :)

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If you are one of the other 80% of the population that has not visited as much as you'd intended, then don't be ashamed or deny it, this is 80% of us, and guess what... it's not your fault.


UK Population
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It's not like those in the 80% want to be there right? They don't decide to get up in the morning and ensure that they don't accidentally go to the gym. The 2nd wine bottle discussion topic of 'which body part do you like the least' or 'dude, why aren't I more like Hugh Jackman, I really try' won't be missed that much. So what's going wrong here?



The shocking evidence and your decision to make

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But wait... you want to stay active, fit and healthy for your entire life?! This doesn't sound right to me, what has happened here that means that we're funnelled into memberships that don't get us even close to our long term goals?


Now, the variety of gyms in the UK these days is amazing, there's top quality instructors, high end equipment, relaxing spa's, quirky new fitness class trends, heck there's classes based purely on doing handstands for an hour or even yoga on a horse!

But put it this way... do any one over and over again and I will get bored... infact I will probably develop a part of me that never wants to do it again! Think about that...

Studies have proven that those who mix up their activity types in their weekly routine stay active 4 times as long. 

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Please understand this and choose now...

Are you looking to be active, healthy, happy and in good physical shape for your entire life OR for just 8 weeks?

Take your phone/diary/post-it note and write that down somewhere you can see it regularly and really think about this if it's not yet sunk in.



So what is MoveGB?

We've all been there before, signed up to a gym and it's not long before we find the routine a little hard to stick to. Like this little guy... 


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MoveGB is not a gym membership, well actually MoveGB is not ONE gym membership, it is an unrestricted membership to 100's of gyms, studios and classes.

You have told us that boredom and lack of motivation are the top reasons for stopping exercise plans, 3 times more than any other reason in fact. Variety avoids boredom.


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MoveGB is breaking this mould, we're about squeezing every ounce you can out of your lifestyle, making you love your mind, your friends, your body and your job as much as you can. It is a lifestyle of sustainable fitness, not just 8 weeks.


Over 200,000 people have now registered to use Move as their fitness subscription because it gives them variety in their active routine and lets you pause your plan at any time and even claim back unused credit when you take a break.

Follow the link below if you'd like to see the variety of fun options near you now.

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Meet the Move mission team  

Graham-1-edit.png "This is me, Personal Trainer and real life health enthusiast, someone who's job is about creating fun and motivation. I ask you to take control of your fitness habit, by daring yourself to put happiness first and actually succeed in finding out that it is easier and way more fun than you think."

Graham Simpson




Alister Rollins, founder and CEO of Move is a world leading expert in exercise retention and the science of keeping people active. After a successful previous business that predicts exactly when people will drop out of their fitness plans in gyms, Alister decided to use these results to build a flexible fitness membership that people can trust, knowing that it is designed for lifelong health and happiness.

Alister Rollins




Topics: Fitness and motivation

Written by Graham Simpson

Graham Simpson

Snowboarding, running and cooking. These are the three main things to have made me who I am! After training as a PT and combining my love for sports, fitness and nutrition I became Head Coach at Move and started my journey to inspiring others to find their fitness for life! I’m all about achieving your goals and being a little silly along the way :)

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