It's an interesting idea - that we can actually be more motivated to fulfil our commitments by what we could LOSE rather than what it is we want to achieve.
However it's a tried and scientifically tested concept that behavioural scientist Nir Eyal has put to the test - with surprising results.
Nir Eyal is an educator, entrepreneur and author of the book Hooked which focuses on habit formation and the psychology behind making it easy and feeling in control of the habits in your life.
As Nir explains there is a clear difference habits and routine, we are often told that the key to achieving our goals is habit formation.
However as Nir points out, habits are things that are simple and require very little thought process - which is why they so often fail when they require hard work and deliberate practice.
Visiting the gym is a routine and notoriously harder to do at first than later on, because you have not yet formed a habit. Here is one tip on how to do this.
Check out this awesome video below to find out Nir's Ultimate Goal Setting Hack! (5 mins)