Whether you've signed up for the upcoming famous London Marathon or are considering entering next year, it's worth considering your training beyond just pounding the pavement endlessly.

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Fitness doesn’t have to mean bootcamps and slogging it out in the gym. There are literally 1000s of different ways to be active in a non-traditional fitness environment!
September is just around the corner, and not only will it bring a beautiful golden autumn but it’s also National Yoga Month! You may have only recently given yoga a whirl or you could be a die-hard yogi fanatic, but either way, we’ve got some great alternative ways to practise yoga and some super cool studios you should try this month.
Have you ever seen BodyPump classes on your local gym or leisure centre’s timetable, and wondered what the heck it is? It can sound a bit intense... but after regularly attending BodyPump for the past 4 months, I’m here to bring you the lowdown on what it’s all about. And what it’s taught me about fitness.
Have you ever struggled to stick to your exercise regime? Yeah, so have we. Don't worry - it's absolutely normal to have highs and lows with your workout routines, especially if you previously led quite a sedentary lifestyle.
We are frequently warned about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle to our health, however how much effect does inactivity have on our happiness levels?
It's an interesting idea - that we can actually be more motivated to fulfil our commitments by what we could LOSE rather than what it is we want to achieve.
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