We all know that getting into a routine can turn fitness into a habit... not a chore. For many, having structure to their weeks can help them hit their workouts and commit to classes. But what happens when you don’t live the usual 9 - 5 and have the envious lifestyle of a digital nomad?

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Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!
We know that being active is the key to a healthy and happy lifestyle… and we all know that nothing feels better than feeling strong. But are you that person that wants to exercise but can’t quite seem to master the art of nailing a consistent active lifestyle?
Does being told to exercise for 30 minutes every day before munching diligently on your five-a-day make you want to run a mile? Us too – literally.
The 19th Century Philosopher Henry Thoreau said “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder”.
Whether you've signed up for the upcoming famous London Marathon or are considering entering next year, it's worth considering your training beyond just pounding the pavement endlessly.
Hands up whoever feels that 3pm slump? That mid-afternoon dead zone where you’re crashing from a full morning and a tasty lunch, and you’re struggling to keep your eyes open?
Have you ever seen BodyPump classes on your local gym or leisure centre’s timetable, and wondered what the heck it is? It can sound a bit intense... but after regularly attending BodyPump for the past 4 months, I’m here to bring you the lowdown on what it’s all about. And what it’s taught me about fitness.
What does attending a new fitness class have in common with scaling Mount Everest? The thought of what lies ahead can be cripplingly terrifying, but the exhilaration gained from facing your fears, conquering the pre-nerve beast and realising that you CAN do it is what makes the whole thing worth it!
Movers Stories: Megan
Megan found that yoga has changed her lifestyle and is loving the flexibility of Move. Check out her Movers Story here!
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