During times of isolation, the upheaval to your everyday routines can play havoc on your mental health. Humans are social creatures and when we don't have frequent social interactions (and are stuck inside for most of the day), mental health can begin a steady spiral downwards.

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Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!
Home workouts and online fitness classes that can support better mental health
What's better when it comes to online fitness classes: On-demand or live-stream?
Due to the world-wide lockdown, two main mindsets seem to have emerged as a way to deal with the strange circumstances and is raising the debate of which is better when it comes to online fitness classes: on-demand or live-streaming workouts.
When you’ve got your fitness routine nailed and have finally figured out what motivates you to workout, being put under lockdown can be a bit troublesome... especially if you find it hard to motivate yourself to workout at home.
With gym memberships soaring as New Year’s resolutions kick in, there’s one question on everyone’s lips: How long will this fitness rush realistically last?
As another year draws to a close, we've been fondly looking back over 2019 and we've seen some pretty interesting workouts going on across the UK!
Getting fit and healthy are the top new year resolutions for us all. A brand new year calls for a revamp of the body and mind, especially after the gluttony of Christmas. But did you know that out of the 4 million who joined the gym in January, 60% of hopefuls have canceled their gym membership by May?
The Fitness Routine of a Freediver
We all know that getting into a routine can turn fitness into a habit... not a chore. For many, having structure to their weeks can help them hit their workouts and commit to classes. But what happens when you don’t live the usual 9 - 5 and have the envious lifestyle of a digital nomad?
We know that being active is the key to a healthy and happy lifestyle… and we all know that nothing feels better than feeling strong. But are you that person that wants to exercise but can’t quite seem to master the art of nailing a consistent active lifestyle?
Get Fierce This September! #FitGotReal
Did you know that there are currently 1.3 million fewer women than men meeting the target of 150 minutes of physical activity per week?
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