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Welcome to the Move Blog

Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!


After 3 years of excess at uni took a serious toll on my waistline and wellbeing, I found that a love for strength training, HIIT and spin classes were key to keeping me healthy and happy. I'm at the forefront of finding out and creating awesome stuff about health, fitness and happiness and when I'm not at work I love nothing more than pizza and prosecco in the sun with friends. What motivates me? Knowing that life is short...
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Recent Posts

A 2 Minute Guide To Gym Jargon

Posted by Laura

Gyms can be a pretty intimidating place - all those machines, mirrors and people who look like they know exactly what they're doing.

5 Ways To Make Working Out In The Morning Easier

Posted by Laura

"The early bird catches the worm."

Sweet Potato Vs White Potato

Posted by Laura

Versatile, nutritious and tasty, potatoes are a staple ingredient in many people's daily diets. 

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat An Easter Egg?

Posted by Laura

What's really going on in your body when you eat loads of chocolate?

5 Easy Ways To Feel Happy Today

Posted by Laura

We've trawled the internet to find the best scientific backed ways to feel happier today! 

You've Reached Your Goal...So Now What?

Posted by Laura

You've hit your goals and you're feeling great. 

Notes To Inspire 14-03-16-20-03-16

Posted by Laura

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What To Expect At A Climbing Wall

Posted by Laura

Our aim at Move is to try and remove all barriers to exercise, so to help with this, check out number 3 in a series of quick guides to some of our favourite fitness activities. We hope these will help you overcome any anxiety or unsurety you may have about heading out to your first climb (who knows, it could turn out to be your favourite workout!) 

What Happened When I Gave Up Alcohol For 10 Weeks

Posted by Laura

Along with a large proportion the population, after an indulgent festive period I decided to embark upon Dry January.