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Welcome to the Move Blog

Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!

How long should my workouts be?

Posted by Sophie Saint

Ah, the age old question that many of us wonder before climbing into our workout gear: how long should my workouts be? 

Who are MoveGB Members and How are They Different to Typical Gym-Goers?

Posted by Sophie Saint

What would you think if we told you that the average gym-goer only lasts 8-weeks of regular attendance? After two months they fizzle out, lose motivation and end up missing out on fitness whilst continuing to pay their gym membership.

5 Habits healthy people do every day

Posted by Sophie Saint

We can all use an extra dose of advice on how to tweak our lifestyles to lean more to the healthy side! Wouldn’t it be bliss if we could turn our healthy choices into habits that we barely need to think twice about, and importantly, never consider a chore?

4 Weight Training Myths For Women

Posted by Laura

There are a huge amount of misconceptions about weight training which causes women to be wary of it, and end up in a time consuming cardio routine that can seem to have no end! We are here to help break that unfair cycle and preach fact 

3 Reasons why you're not seeing Progress in your Fitness

Posted by Laura

When you’re not seeing progress with your fitness, it can be pretty disheartening to say the least, and can pop a hard hit to your motivation.

How to Build the Best Workout Routine with MoveGB

Posted by Laura

Finding the best workout routine for yourself can feel like the holy grail of a fitness lifestyle. Because even the best laid plans can result in, ironically, very little results. So it's time to walk you through how to build the best workout routine with MoveGB!

Are you in a Loving Relationship with your Workout?

Posted by Laura

Are you in a loving relationship with your workout? Do you feel attracted to those sweaty sessions? Or are you yet to meet the one that makes you feel all tingly inside?

5 Ways to measure your health, without the scales

Posted by Sophie Saint

Pounds, kilos, Body Mass Index, body fat percentage – it’s easy to get wrapped up in a tunnel of numbers to measure your health, but what would you say if we told you it’s time to put those scales away?

Why exercise is never a waste of time

Posted by Laura

We always try to do what is right for our minds and bodies. We try to eat healthily, we move as much as we can, we play hard, we work hard(ish)… we’re trying to squeeze every ounce out of life! So what doesn’t help is when you find conflicting opinions about health and fitness presented as news.