You’re getting ready to hit the gym. You’ve got your bag packed with your workout outfit, your water bottle is full and your playlist is stuffed with inspiring beats. But do you ever stop and think about the gear that you’ve had for months? Perhaps years?

Welcome to the Move Blog
Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!
What does attending a new fitness class have in common with scaling Mount Everest? The thought of what lies ahead can be cripplingly terrifying, but the exhilaration gained from facing your fears, conquering the pre-nerve beast and realising that you CAN do it is what makes the whole thing worth it!
When we work out, we’re trying our hardest. We squat low, we power through reps, we meticulously follow instructors, and we aim high. We go until the sweat pours and our muscles tire…. But are we nailing techniques as well as we think we are?
With World Yoga Day fast approaching, we thought it might be a good time to explore yoga (one of our most popular activities on the MoveGB network) and the multitude of benefits it brings to your mind and body. Let’s dive into why you should try yoga today and find out how it can massively improve your fitness…. and change your life.
Sure, Valentine’s Day is looming, but you don’t have to be loved up to try these partner workouts! Forget about candlelit dates, seductive chocolates, and wining and dining - grab a mate, bestie or gym buddy to try these challenging bodyweight partner workouts, and smash this romantic week MoveGB style.
When life gets too stressful, a great yoga session is the perfect remedy! Not only is yoga brilliant for increasing flexibility and strength using your own body weight, but it can help you find your inner peace in the busy world we live in. We all need to take a break.
We all remember that feeling - creeping tentatively into the gym for our first time and wondering how the hell we’re supposed to use the equipment.
With the new year in full swing and all our Movers trying out new, cool activities on MoveGB to discover what’s #WorthSweatingFor this year, we’re introducing you to some awesome fitness classes that you should try out!
Whether it’s exercise, healthy eating, deeper sleeps or keeping hydrated with zero-alcohol liquids, we’ve all got our goals for the new year. With a fresh new year lying ahead, it is the perfect time to make positive and healthy changes - time to get back into fitness post-Christmas. Be the best you that you can be!
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