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Welcome to the Move Blog

Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!

Are you in a Loving Relationship with your Workout?

Posted by Laura

Are you in a loving relationship with your workout? Do you feel attracted to those sweaty sessions? Or are you yet to meet the one that makes you feel all tingly inside?

How Much Damage Can I Do At The Weekend After Being Healthy All Week?

Posted by Laura

You know the story: you're on track from Monday to Friday, hitting the gym and eating healthily, but come the weekend you, well, fall off the wagon a bit.... it has us all pondering "How much damage can I do on the weekend?" . 

5 Ways to measure your health, without the scales

Posted by Sophie Saint

Pounds, kilos, Body Mass Index, body fat percentage – it’s easy to get wrapped up in a tunnel of numbers to measure your health, but what would you say if we told you it’s time to put those scales away?

Why a Multi-Gym Membership is Way Better Than a Single Gym Membership

Posted by Sophie Saint

Being active and squeezing all you can from life should be at the top of everyone’s list! We all know that being active makes us happier, healthier, and ready to take on the world… But how do we develop a workout habit and turn it into an awesome lifestyle, not a chore?

Raw Vs Cooked: the case for eating raw vegetables

Posted by Sophie Saint

As raw food diets continue trending with gusto, more of us are reaching for the raw crunch over regular cooked vegetables. The thinking behind raw food diets is that the less processed or cooked the vegetables are, the more nutrients will remain locked in giving us all the goodness we need… but while raw vegetables may be giving our jaws a workout, is it any better for us?

Diet Fizzy Drinks Facts: Are they damaging your diet?

Posted by Laura

We’re all guilty for reaching for a sweet treat every now and then. When that craving kicks in, you sometimes have to have super-human strength to resist, or look for an alternative option that isn’t packed full of sugar. 

Why exercise is never a waste of time

Posted by Laura

We always try to do what is right for our minds and bodies. We try to eat healthily, we move as much as we can, we play hard, we work hard(ish)… we’re trying to squeeze every ounce out of life! So what doesn’t help is when you find conflicting opinions about health and fitness presented as news.

4 Ways to fit Exercise around a busy Schedule

Posted by Laura

Work: you either love it or hate it, but you can’t deny that a job pays the bills! If only it didn’t take up so much of our time, making it challenging to look after our fitness.

Team MoveGB's most Embarrassing Workout Confessions that are just too REAL

Posted by Sophie Saint

Exercise: It can make you feel on top of the world, it can make you feel strong, it can make you feel the fittest you've ever been...but guess what? Working out can also make you feel like you want the ground to swallow you up.