Wish you looked forward to your workouts just that little bit more? Most people find they look forward to the idea of their workout, but then when you get there it's a little less exciting... Working out with a friend fills that void!

Welcome to the Move Blog
Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!
Are you a new mum (or do you know one) who wants to fit in time to exercise but can't quite find the right way to start?
The 4 Pillars Series: For Life
White Rice Vs Brown Rice
The Best Exercise To Stay Young
We've talked before about how having a positive outlook on life can help you stay you young, but what if there was an exercise you could do that would help combat ageing?
4 Tips for Working Out at Home
Working out at home is a way of exercising that has grown in popularity over the past few years, as people recognise that being active doesn’t have to be confined to the gym.
The 4 Pillars Series: Movement
Dear everyday family hero, and many other awesome types of people! As Head Coach at Move I'm writing to apologise on behalf of the fitness industry for breaking your fitness habit!
The 4 Pillars Series: Variety
It's a pretty scary stat - the average gym-goers routine lasts a mere eight weeks! If this is a statement that rings true with you, or if you find yourself regularly skipping your workouts, it's time to take action to ensure you're not destined to life as a couch potato.
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