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Welcome to the Move Blog

Find fitness tips and tricks, expert advice from our instructors, beginner guides for cool activities, nutrition and more!


After 3 years of excess at uni took a serious toll on my waistline and wellbeing, I found that a love for strength training, HIIT and spin classes were key to keeping me healthy and happy. I'm at the forefront of finding out and creating awesome stuff about health, fitness and happiness and when I'm not at work I love nothing more than pizza and prosecco in the sun with friends. What motivates me? Knowing that life is short...
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Recent Posts

4 Ways To Continue Your January Motivation

Posted by Laura

So January is nearly over - how are you planning on motivating yourself for the rest of the year? Check out our top tips on how to continue your January motivation!

MoveAWARDS 2015 Winners

Posted by Laura

The results are in...check out the MoveAWARDS 2015 Winners!

National Breakfast Week - What Team MoveGB Eat For Breakfast

Posted by Laura

In case you didn't realise - it's National Breakfast Week! (24th-30th January)

What To Expect At A Spin Class

Posted by Laura

Every now and again it can be a good idea to freshen up your fitness routine. However trying out a new class can be daunting: What do you do? How do you do it? Where do you do it?!

Is It Ever Ok To Workout Twice In A Day?

Posted by Laura

Embarking on a new fitness regime (especially in January) is a little bit like the first flushes of love: exciting, all-consuming and addictive, it’s easy to get lost in the moment.

5 Ways To Cut Your Changing Room Time In Half

Posted by Laura

With January comes the influx of new gym members (if you're one of these great work - we think you're awesome!) Here's a tip for you - make sure you focus on forming an attendance pattern/habit so you'll stick to your new routine. You can read more about sticking to your new years resolution here


Posted by Laura

Is it time to mix up your cardio workouts? HIIT and LISS are 2 very different forms of cardio - here's the lowdown.

How Dry January Can Change The Way You Think About Alcohol Forever

Posted by Laura

Are you one of the 200 million or so people that have given up alcohol for January? 

8 Ways To Make Your Resolutions Stick In 2016

Posted by Laura

It's that time of year when you've had your fill of fun and merriment and thoughts begin to turn to the year ahead.