No matter what your goals are, how you go about achieving them is as much to do about your mental approach as it is what you do physically.
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Bacon Vs Sausage
It's that weird time of year, the limbo between Christmas and New Year where anything other than reaching for the cheese board or deciding which box set to watch next feels like too much effort.
4 Resolutions To Avoid In 2017
There’s something about the New Year that makes everyone want to be just that little bit healthier and New Year’s resolutions are often focused on nutritional tweaks to lead a healthier diet.
Is This The Answer To Ageing?
Ageing - it's one of the few guarantees in life, but what if there was a way to prevent the negative effects that come with it?
There's a reason why gym's are chock-a-block in January - because so many of us throw caution into the wind and undo all of our hard work over the Christmas period.
Feeling Stressed? This Is An Easy Fix
Whether you believe stress is a real thing or not, it certainly seems that most people will feel down and exhibit the symptons of what is now commonly called stress at least once in their lives. So are there any quick fixes for this state of mind?
You can't out-exercise a bad diet is a phrase frequently used by Personal Trainers, nutritionists and fitness experts.
Is Happiness In Our Genes?
Here at Move we are always promoting a healthy and happy life. But what if you just find it that little bit harder to be happy than some of the people around you?
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