You know how the saying goes - you can never have too much of a good thing. But is this true of protein sources in our diet? After all with the rise of protein products on the market, from protein crisps, to protein coffee and even protein sweets, you'd be forgiven for thinking that you simply can't over-eat protein.

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5 Foods To Make You Feel Happier
If we eat too much we can feel sluggish and lethargic and if we eat too little we can feel irritable, tired (and sometimes even hangry!) But did you know that some foods can actually alter our moods? Check out our top 5 mood enhancing foods!
Green Tea Vs Black Tea
Do you hit the gym before breakfast? Or does getting the kids ready and shipped to school leave little time to feed yourself? Perhaps you just prefer to have more shut-eye first thing?!
Maybe you're a vegetarian, looking for #MeatlessMondays inspo or perhaps you're just trying to cut back on the amount of meat you eat - whatever the weather it's useful to know that there's loads of ways you can get protein in your diet without relying on meat.
Can Caffeine Improve Our Workouts?
Many of us enjoy a few cups of tea or coffee throughout the day, but have you ever considered the benefits of caffeine when working out?
Beef Mince Vs Turkey Mince
Mince - it's a staple in many a meat-eaters diet, with no shortage of different meal ideas you can use it in.
Here's the Skinny On Fat
Fat - is it good for you? Bad for you? Are there different kinds? Which sort should you eat? Personal Trainer at Body Development, Karen Crudgington, gives us the skinny on fat.
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